Limestone is an extremely diverse mineral lending itself to many more applications. Here are some of the other applications we supply.
Flue gas scrubbing – Our single size 6mm limestone is designed for use in gas scrubbing systems. The low dust levels and attention to consistent particle granularity is critical for customers at brick manufacturing facilities and commercial scale biomass renewable energy plants. This product is highly effective for the removal of acidic gaseous emissions.
Shower trays - Limestone addition to the polymer mix provides additional strength and stability to the finished product. The incorporation of Superlon finely ground calcium carbonate powder reduces the quantity of plastic raw materials, assisting in lowering the carbon foot print of the finished goods and the overall cost of manufacturing.
Cubical bedding - The addition of Superlon AGL200 to cattle cubical bedding helps maintain a cleaner, drier environment, reducing bacterial growth and the risk of mastitis infections. Our Superlon AGL200 is FEMAS approved and available in 25kg bags for portability and easy handling.
Clay pigeons – The formulation of a clay pigeon is critical to ensure the clay holds its integrity on firing but shatters on impact. Limestone is an integral part of this process.
Fence Feet – If you have ever been to a festival then temporary fencing is held in place by sturdy black fence feet which contains a substantial proportion of dried coarse limestone powder.
Large quantities of limestone are used annually to produce other nationally important material such as cement and calcium oxide. Often transported nationally through the rail network, limestone is also a critical raw material from the processing of sugar beet to make refined sugar.
We will welcome talking to you if you have a new or novel use for limestone.