Our goal is to be Net Zero to the weighbridge by 2030. What do we mean by this? We aim to ensure that the carbon footprint of our production process is balanced out by the measures we are putting in place to offset it.
We are working hard to reduce our energy and fossil fuel usage.
We still have a way to go to meet our 2030 target but with many carbon-reduction projects underway we are optimistic we will get there. These include not only low-carbon or renewable energy projects, but also the introduction of regenerative land management practices across Longcliffe's wider landholding. These actively abosrb atmospheric CO2 or otherwise enhance biodiversity and natural capital.
One of our projects is the 'Carbon Desktop' which was introduced in 2011 by Energy Director John Shields. It provides the business with a central data hub for collecting and monitoring data relating to gas and electricity usage along with production Information.
Managers and engineers can access historical and real-time trend information on the operating efficiency of our processing units, allowing us to have a thorough understanding of energy usage and carbon.
This baseline data contributes towards setting measurable goals and allows decision makers within our business to drive forward initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint and plan for future investment in energy efficient production equipment.