Calcium Carbonate and dolomitic limestones are used in the manufacuture of hundreds of everyday products. The purity of our Derbyshire deposit is considered by the UK Government to be a strategically important asset to the economy as it is a key raw material to so many industries.

Our wide range of products are used for the construction of houses, glass for bottles and windows, animal feeds and fertilisers are to name a few applcations. Please explore this section for further information.

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Calcium Carbonate and dolomitic limestones are used in the manufacuture of hundreds of everyday products. The purity of our Derbyshire deposit is considered by the UK Government to be a strategically important asset to the economy as it is a key raw material to so many industries.

Our wide range of products are used for the construction of houses, glass for bottles and windows, animal feeds and fertilisers are to name a few applcations. Please explore this section for further information.

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Adhesives and Sealants

Used to improve mechanical strength and durability in high load bearing areas or create a smooth professional finish.


Adhesives and Sealants

Agricultural Lime

A complete liming solution for farmers as well as a wide range of limestone products for agricultural and horticultural industries.


Agricultural Lime

Animal Feeds

FEMAS accredited calcium carbonates for mineral pre-mixes, livestock and poultry feeds as well as grades for equine and pet foods.


Animal Feeds

Aquaculture & Fishery Management

Finley milled Superlon is the product of choice to improve water quality and reduce organic silt in lakes, rivers and ponds.


Aquaculture & Fishery Management

Bitumous Products

Fillers and granules suitable for mastic asphalts, roofing systems, waterproofing and surfacing macadams.


Bitumous Products

Cement Replacements

BS 7979 compliant powder for use in combination with CEM I Portland cement strength class 42.5 or higher.


Cement Replacements

Concrete Products

Suppliers of the widest range of high-quality limestone and dolomite aggregates suitable for concrete applications.


Concrete Products

Construction Aggregates

Aggregates for all construction projects including roads, asphalt , concrete and other ground works.


Construction Aggregates


For the manufacture of granular and compound fertilisers and a carrier for agrochemical and pesticides.



Glass & Ceramics

Container and Float glass for the production of bottles, jars, and flat glass.


Glass & Ceramics


Traditional dry stone walling through to decorative stones for driveways, paths, gardens and rockeries.



Permeable Paving Products

Aggregate grades for SUDS drainage systems and the manufacture of permeable paving blocks.


Permeable Paving Products

Plasters, Renders And Screeds

Decorative paints, textured finishes and plasters as well as more specialist applications such as road-marking paints.


Plasters, Renders And Screeds

Plastics & Rubber

Major polymer-related uses include carpet-backing, PVC compounds, plastisols and rubber applications.


Plastics & Rubber


Limestone is an extremely diverse mineral lending itself to many more applications. Browse here for more sector information.



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